Mindfulness and mental fitness tips you can apply to your daily life.
Mastering Exams with Mindfulness and Mental Fitness
6 Mental Health Benefits from Learning a New Language
5 Ways to Sustain Change
7 Types of Rest and How to Integrate These into Daily Life
6 Ways to Reimagine Self-Care
Unlock a secret to improving communication and relationships
4 Ways To Deal With Emotions and Stress
10 Ways To Reclaim Your Confidence After a Setback
The health benefits of connecting with nature
How to Reduce Entrepreneurial Burnout With Mindfulness and Mental Fitness
Reduce entrepreneurial burnout with mindfulness and mental fitness using these tips.
10 Powerful Morning and Evening Rituals for Success
When we wake with clear intention and discipline, we create an ability to live by design. As a result, we benefit from a higher level of productivity and focus. It’s the difference between riding in the driver’s seat versus the passenger seat.
4 Tips for Reducing Perfectionist Tendencies
Perfectionism is something that many ambitious people struggle with. On the other side of it, you can find increased happiness and improved productivity. If you’ve ever struggled with perfectionism, here are some tips so that you don’t allow it to stop you from fully living your best life.
7 Ways to Spend Less Time on Your Phone and Be More Present with Those who Matter
A balanced and fulfilling life is one where you can be fully present. You get to enjoy the people, nature, and events in your life without distractions. But nowadays, that’s easier said than done for many.
5 Tips for Leading Through Changing Times
As a leader of a team or a successful organisation, you care about the mental wellness of your people. During fast-changing times like the ones we’re in, it can be hard to support employees while trying to manage all the tasks already on your plate.
The 4 Foundations of an Optimal Self-Care Strategy
The idea of self-care is akin to refuelling a car. Only most of us are better at remembering to fill the car up when it’s needed than we are our own fuel tanks. But self-care is essential. It’s not selfish – it’s necessary if we’re going to give our best selves to others.
Break the Burnout Cycle With These 5 Tips
Burnout can happen to anyone, in any line of work. We are all guilty one way or another, of not practicing self-care. But the good news is that we can implement simple routines to prevent burnout in our lives.
5 Simple Tips for Riding Out Uncertainty & Change
The one thing that is certain in life is change. As we all adjust to whatever the “new normal” looks like for us, we have to learn to navigate change without stress and overwhelm. To help you do just that, here are five simple tips you can try at any time.
How to Find Hope and Meaning in Difficult Times
When it comes to dealing with difficult times in our lives, we often have a very particular emotional wave that we all ride. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross outlines the five stages of grief. Generally speaking, we tend to move through stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, before finally acceptance.
8 Attitudinal Qualities to Help You Live More Mindfully
We may not have control over everything that happens in life, but we do have a say in our attitudes. These attitudes are helpful in waking us from automatic pilot and to practicing mindfulness, bringing more intentional and skilful responses to moments of challenge.
Achieve Your Fitness Goals with these 6 Mental Hacks
Starting and maintaining the habit of daily exercise can be more difficult than doing the exercise itself. So here’s how to overcome this hurdle. One way to set an intention or goal related to movement is to create a mantra which clarifies your “why.”